Does anyone find that they get releif with different temperatures of water depending on what their feet are doing? Sometimes I feel my feet are so hot and burning that warm water helps more as it must for my feet be cool and so soothes them. Generally though cold water is better I find. I find tepid water isn’t ever that effective.
I find that cold water helps for a few minutes (hands and feet) but the real help is living in a temperature below 20 deg. C. I live in Spain and UK but now go back to the cooler climes in summer as it was unbearable last year. And yes, I find if I am stressed the flare up gets worse so keep callm. I have had this for 3 years now and it is no worse or better so I am managing without medication.
I generally don't soak my feet, but I've found that swimming is doable for me, and the water is generally warm (but not hot) - it seems like the water keeps my toes at a steady temp much better than air. Warm/hot showers are a nightmare, though.
When my hands are really hot I run cold water over them. My feet seem to work best with tepid water. Honestly, with each flair it varies a bit!