Medicinal Marijuana



Sounds like a cute little shop....the Happy Herb.

Tizzy said:

Gosh very detailed info guys - unfortunately difficult to procure the main ingredient. There is a colourful little shop in West End,kind of run down but cute. It is called The Happy Herb . I imagine walking in browsing for awhile,and when someone comes to ask if I want some help i hold out the pot of oregano I am inspecting and ask "have you anything happier." Tizzy :( don't think I will be able to make any hemp oil.)

Fresh from the UK.

New Study Finds Cannabis Oral Spray Dramatically Improves Peripheral Neuropathic Pain

Guess who I am seeing ASAP :-).

Hi Mads -

About time they done something positive ... I will copy the report and show my Doc ...... Cheers, Greg (frostbite)

Great update on pros/cons

Latest reports say its positive

Major article on the latest regarding medical marijuana.

Hi Mads - The LINK requires a PASSWORD to access the site ??????????????huh????????????? frostbite ....

Sorry Frostbite ;),

Just tried it. This link works fine for me - no password. Please give me a shout if anymore problems and ill download for you. Big hug x

Hi Mads -

Well, I just tried the link from the email and it came up as "Page Not Found" in the Medscape page - NO Heading on the page and also from the EM site here and it Still comes up with Medscape Log In Required - Username & Password .

I give up it just aint worth the hassle .... Thanks anyway Mads ...

OLD GROUCHY frostbite...


Try putting link into google - I have tried it 5 times, its fine YES .. five times lol !!!!!!. Anything for you me old mate :)

I am sending you anyway OK

Big hug


Hi Mads - It is still wanting a username & password - BUT I have FIXED the MONGREL - I SIGNED UP to their website and GUESS WHAT !!! I am IN and have the page open NOW ..... Sheeeeesh !!! why can't they just let it be open without giving them my bloody information - No DOubt I will get JUNK mail from them or others now - usually happens with this sort of thing ...

Grouchy OLD DECREPID frostbite ....

PS - Thank YOU ... :-)

Infographic on marijuana's effect on the brain.

One of my mom's doctors offered to write a prescription for Medical Marijuana. It's legal in Michigan, but we haven't tried it yet for her.

Hello all : ) A personal opinion: I have tried pot about 15 times total in my life. 5 or so when I was younger, and 8-10 (all different strands/types/and class/high grade product-dabs) for the purpose of pain relief for EM. I have researched the strand of each plant, that I took to find what may be effective and why, I have had NO success in even a slight pain reduction. I thought perhaps at a certain level of high your mind wouldn't feel the pain, no luck with that either.