Mercury in teeth

hi all, does anyone have mercury filings in there teeth? i was told that as you get older the mercury breaks down and seeps in too your blood system. that may be part of the EM. ???????????

HI, I have a ton of mercury fillings. Interesting as I have seen mercury posing listed as a cause but could not make a connection.

This has really got me thinking, I had a mercury filling crack from the inside out and didn't realise until itcompletely broke in two. This was at about the same time as I started recieving symptoms after my 18 month remission. I'm not sure if there was any link to when my fillings were put in and when I started seeing my original symptoms of EM. Maybe something to look into..?!

Yes, I have a mouth full of mercury :frowning:

i am 54 years old w/2 or 3 years of EM and i have a twin sister, she DOES NOT HAVE EM. we both have a mouth full of mercury, but she had all of them refilled { no mercury }. we of cause have the same blood type= so why do i have this life changing disease? and she doesn't? anyway i don't think it has anything too do w/mercury......god help us all.............................................

I never realized that this was such a controversial issue until last night I began checking Mercury (Hg) out. The best site I found that gets into both sides of the issue was the Wikipedia site. This really does get into both sides and have many many references and research examples where Hg was a problem or wasn't a problem. Also there are controversial issues involved in the testing for Hg. It looks to me like the heavy metal blood test is not a good test and can easily give false you false "you are ok" results. The hair test is a bit better but again not very good. The urine test is better than than the other two and can really give you results you can hang your hat on. Just a few minutes ago on the EM facebook site I was told that the fecal test is even better. I have not checked it out. Go ahead and Google this subject and read some of the articles concerning this issue. Just last year my town went through the issue of fluoride in the water. I thought the fluoride people were a bunch of idiots. Now I wonder....Maybe not????

This is a very good question from a very interesting scenario. My first thought would be ... do you and your sister live at the same elevation, do you live in the same humidity. Do you live in the same area of the world. Breath the same pollution? Same number of kid? Do you eat the same foods? Maybe she is almost up to the threshold and about to get EM if she XXXXXXXXXX. Oh, I too have a mouth full of Mercury. I am thinking about paying my $95 and a teaspoon of hair and getting it tested.

EMjudy said:

i am 54 years old w/2 or 3 years of EM and i have a twin sister, she DOES NOT HAVE EM. we both have a mouth full of mercury, but she had all of them refilled { no mercury }. we of cause have the same blood type= so why do i have this life changing disease? and she doesn't? anyway i don't think it has anything too do w/mercury......god help us all.............................................

I do too!! Very interesting.

I had someone tell me that my EM might be related to mercury in my fillings so I had all of them changed about 4 or 5 years ago but I still have EM. Someone else recently told me again that it sounds like mercury poisoning and gave me some great info to read. It was "Amalgam Illness-Andrew Hall Cutler" Check it out!

Late reply here, but I am in my mid-twenties and have many large amalgam fillings (nearly all from before I turned 10). I wonder under what conditions amalgam is produced and what chances there are that perhaps more mercury was accidentally included in the formulations of some batches. Very interesting!

Things are constantly changing in the technology of the way they are doing things and making things now adays. So there is probably a different formula now than when you got your teeth filled. Also they might break down through the years. I would say it would be best to change them but get a skilled dentist who has removed amalgam fillings before cuz it can be very dangerous for you & the dental staff otherwise.

I tried everything went to dr after doctor including Mayo and as last resort I had all 13 of my fillings removed.I took DMSA for about 6 months. Just read up and do it right.I am now doing great with sandals.I even jog now.I was at wits end and had to try something and it worked.Dont give up.

I have a LOT of Mercury fillings also. Just two years ago I was given a large crown and filling for a tooth which is also metal. I was tested for Mercury with a heavy metals blood test and it came back normal.

Hi Judy,

Sorry if this seems an obvious question, but is she your identical twin? As your lives have probably been very different and there can be subtle differences between twins anyway, you'll probably never know. As you've had EM for only a few years, it is possible (God forbid) that she could develop it too.

There are so many causes of a disease, that vary from genetic to enviromental. For example, here in Scotland, we have the highest rates of MS in the world. While part of the reason is thought to be a genetic suseptability, they have also discovered that the lovely Scottish weather plays a part, as they think that a lack of vitamin D is part of the reason people develop MS. As we don't get very much sun here in Scotland, we don't get as much vitamin D (created by sunlight on your skin). As a little side note, this research was funded in part by JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books, because her mother had MS.

EMjudy said:

i am 54 years old w/2 or 3 years of EM and i have a twin sister, she DOES NOT HAVE EM. we both have a mouth full of mercury, but she had all of them refilled { no mercury }. we of cause have the same blood type= so why do i have this life changing disease? and she doesn't? anyway i don't think it has anything too do w/mercury......god help us all.............................................

Has anyone had any problems with immunizations like the flu shot? There is some mercury in the preservative and I hvehad some pretty bad experiences. Also with my amaglam fillings when they break or are removed.

I have a mouth full of mercury and was screened for heavy metals {serum} a few months ago. I am a 51yo female that was diangosed 7 months ago. I've had Rayndouds since I was very young..maybe 10, which is also the time that I recieved the majority of my fillings. Jim made a valid point about the screening using urine, feces and hair. Since it would be a product the body is trying to excrete, it makes sense.

I have had all of my amaglam fillings taken out and I still have EM but decided never to have anymore vacinations because of the mercury in them. I do things more naturally than most and don't take any perscription drugs for my EM anymore. I tried cymbalta & then lyrica for a while but wanted to do things more ALL alternative from now on.