Post Something Positive Here Each Day

Geeking out is healthy if it makes you smile..! I played silly games with the family yesterday. My new favourite game is nose aerobics... It was hilarious.!

Chalx said:

As nerdy as it may seem, this weekend I played fantasy card and board games with my brother, father, and best friend since grade school who I haven't seen in 2 years. I believe a little geeking out can be a healthy thing :)

I had an amazing Christmas day with my daughter, her partner and his parents. We laughed, ate too much and played games all day.. And to top it off, I only had a small flare in the evening.!

We had a wonderful day home with just our family, a beautiful white Christmas.

My new wheelchair arrived today, courtesy of the NHS.

My trips out are usually door to door as I cannot walk very far at all especially as it means wearing some form of footwear.

Even a mundane trip to the supermarket will be a novelty as I haven't been there for over six months. A trip to the local seafront will get some much needed fresh air to blow the cobwebs away.

A big thank you to my doctor who organised the wheelschair.

I look forward to hear about all your galavanting in the new chair tilly :) x
tillyp said:

My new wheelchair arrived today, courtesy of the NHS.

My trips out are usually door to door as I cannot walk very far at all especially as it means wearing some form of footwear.

Even a mundane trip to the supermarket will be a novelty as I haven't been there for over six months. A trip to the local seafront will get some much needed fresh air to blow the cobwebs away.

A big thank you to my doctor who organised the wheelschair.

That’s really good news Tilly. Looking forward to hearing your wheelchair adventures.

tillyp said:

My new wheelchair arrived today, courtesy of the NHS.

My trips out are usually door to door as I cannot walk very far at all especially as it means wearing some form of footwear.

Even a mundane trip to the supermarket will be a novelty as I haven’t been there for over six months. A trip to the local seafront will get some much needed fresh air to blow the cobwebs away.

A big thank you to my doctor who organised the wheelschair.

Excellent idea! LOVE IT !!!
Ok, here goes…
The 24th I went to a christmas family reunion and wore a dress with REAL shoes for close to 2 hours!! Plus I sang “I will survive” at Kareoke at the top of my lungs;)
The 25th I had my family over for a traditional homecooked french canadian Xmas meal prepared by myself! A good time was had by all…
And if that wasn’t enough on the 26th I was able to go crosscountry skiing for 30 minutes!
Today, the 27th snowstorm prevented from going skiing, tried swimming and a SAUNA!!! Ok, the latter was maybe not such a great idea but I got a healthy looking reddish hue to my face;)
Happy holidays! Keep the good news coming, it’s sooo encouraging!

I slept for 8 hours straight last night, haven't done that since I can't remember when. All I did was swap one pill for another that didn't clash with other meds.

Keep up all of the great posts coming in. It definitely makes me smile seeing all of the great things that you are all up to. I went back to spin this week after having a bit of time off, it was great to be back in the saddle (although my bottom might not agree). I also had a meal and went out for a couple of drinks with my best friend Friday night.

Hi again Laura:)
Glad to see you back at spinning!
I love these positive posts, I find them so motivating and encouraging!!
I went cross country skiing again yesterday
And today am going shopping for a new
equipment as mine is old and obsolete
That means I have hope of having a ling
productive ski season :wink:

Heading to Grassroots market to get all of my organic fruits and veggies to start juicing - very excited to start using my Nutribullet extractor! I’d like to do a 10 day juice fast. I was inspired after I watched the documentary on Netflix “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” last night.

One of my worries about traveling half round the world was the nights when I got here. I sleep so badly at home due to arthritis as well as EM. But I am sleeping better here than I ever do at home. Perhaps it is the lovely fresh air after polluted London. Probably it is the cool but not cold temperature at night. Maybe it is my granddaughter’s bed which she has given up for me. Whatever it is I love it.

I had a great day with a new friend, introducing her to family.

I had a lovely day yesterday, went for a walk round a local lake with my nephew. I really enjoyed watching him jumping in puddles and feeding the ducks. I even handfed the swans, was a little scary because their beaks stretched as high as my face. New year started off positively.!

Hope the pill swap is still working..??

tillyp said:

I slept for 8 hours straight last night, haven't done that since I can't remember when. All I did was swap one pill for another that didn't clash with other meds.

I started a new job in my local gym on the reception which means that I can sit for a lot of the shift. I am still full time in school but having a sitting job will be a dream to earn the extra money I need to make ends meet..!

Don't forget to keep posting your positive achievements, I as well as everybody else loves to hear the things that makes us smile.!

I went cross country skiing yesterday with my new equipment, managed 6kms, my personal best.
The only thing that hurt was my butt from falling on it;)
Also stopped along the way to have POUTINE
It’s a french canadian delicacy which involves french fries, gravy and melted curd cheese:)
Sounds horrible but is simply delicious and decadent!

The bushfire which has been threatening communities in the part of Tasmania where I am visiting my family has been contained and residents allowed home.

That's brilliant news Nel

Nel said:

The bushfire which has been threatening communities in the part of Tasmania where I am visiting my family has been contained and residents allowed home.

Isn't it great when you feel pain that you know is only going to last a day or two... I used to love the pain after training in the gym because I knew it would only last a little while... I love fries and gravy but not keen on cheese so not sure I's like that delicacy, but I always like to give something new a try..!

Dominique said:

I went cross country skiing yesterday with my new equipment, managed 6kms, my personal best.
The only thing that hurt was my butt from falling on it;)
Also stopped along the way to have POUTINE
It's a french canadian delicacy which involves french fries, gravy and melted curd cheese:)
Sounds horrible but is simply delicious and decadent!