Sheltielife - that was her screen name/moderator

I am very sorry to let you all know that a past moderator, a very good friend of mine, known as Sheltielife, has passed away.

Sheltielife dedicated her life to helping those in need. She was a moderator on this thread for years and a friend to many. She had such a big heart and was loved by so many. She was dedicated to various non profit organizations and volunteered a lot. Anyone who got the chance to know Sheltielife knows how much she cared about life and everyone in her life. She helped so many not only remotely but even strangers that lived near her. A man did not have a wheelchair and was in need of one and Sheltielife gave him one she had. She never expected anything in return. She had a true, pure, heart of gold.

I will surely miss our friendship. I just spoke to her a week ago. My heart is broken but I know how much I meant to her and I know she knows how much she meant to me.

I am not sure if this the right place to write this, but the moderators can put it where it belongs.

I am sorry if you too lost sheltielife as your friend.


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Yes, I remember Sheltie’s really helpful comments and I immediately remembered her with a good glow around that memory. I am sorry this has happened. thank you for putting it up and keep safe and nurture yourself. take care ajh

She was the first moderator to welcome me here with so much warmth and kindness that allowed me to feel it was a safe place to share my questions and issues. Do we know the sudden cause of her passing? She loved others and was loved in return and will be missed.

Sheltielife welcomed me to this site years ago as well. This was the first place that I found others like me who had EM. Let me know that I had a safe space to share when my flares were low enough to permit me to do so.
What a generous and giving spirit! Thank you for sharing some of those beautiful selfless acts.

I am truly sorry for your loss and for all of you who knew Sheltielife well.

Sheltielife (Julia) will be missed by all of us here at Ben’s Friends: she was, like so many of you have said, a good friend to so many. Through her own many and painful struggles, she truly understood what so many of us were going through.

We are sorry to have learned of her passing, but feel fortunate to have had Julia as part of our Ben’s Friends family.

Condolences to everyone here.

Seenie, on behalf of Ben, TJ, Merl and Sharon (the ModSupport team)

(copy to: @trust_level_0)

This is the right place, Ray of Hope, and it has been copied to each member’s inbox. Thank you so much for letting us know.
