Do you know of any good applications for managing chronic illnesses?

Hi Everyone

Just wondering if any of you - perhaps those more tech-savvy than me - know of any good and simple applications we could utilise for helping manage our chronic illnesses?

I found the following, which prompted my question:

Thanks...and have a great day,


There is a free Pain Coach App that is available:

Couldn’t find this in apple App Store do you have a link?

Montana Jen said:

I use “manage my pain pro”. The $2.99 was well worth it since it allows total field editing and you can perfectly tailor it to EM (and for me…and what sounds like you, too, migraines). Also allows export to microsoft excel so you can keep track and print before doctor appts. Easy to use. Recommend to my clients who want tracking apps, too. I like it quite a bit.

Hi Guys,

I use Dragon to type for me. Takes a while to 'train' it but if you are immobilised is a life saviour. Little bit slow, but better than one finger typing ;)

God bless

mads x

I have never in my wildest dreams thought of using or there even being a chronic illness app available. I just downloaded the free pain coach and my pain pro app and I am just amazed! I have been using a diary app that allows photos just to keep photos with symptoms ,Times,Temps, And things that helped or did not help but these apps take it to another level!

Thank you dkel9307 for starting this great discussion and thank you all for sharing! Great stuff!

Take care,
