Medical ID bracelets

We most of us come with multiple issues and I wondered if members wear these? I am supposed to but never got around to it. They can be very sophisticated these days with a number to call to access your important health issues. Anyone got one of those?

Hi Nel.
I have been on coumadin for a few years now and I am suposed to wear one all of the time. I have yet to however! No suprise here. I am quite the procrastinator! I k n ow they make them attractive to wear now too. Thank you for reminding me. I must put that back on my to do list :slight_smile:

Dear Nel,

Thats brilliant idea. I think we should have some kind of ID - bracelet or card- we carry with us. Unfortunately we would have produce our own ID. I carry a list of all my medications in my purse - just in case.

Hmmmmm- we could have a new venture on our hands ;)

Big hug

God bless

mads x

I carry a list of meds with me - ones I am taking and ones I am allergic to. But I haven't written down my illnesses, yet. I keep meaning to. I need a bracelet or dog tags or something that the most important things can be engraved upon. The list of meds have been helpful in the past when I have had to fill out doctors forms when seeing a new doctor. My memory is not always reliable.


I ought to do the same as my memory is shot. Problem would be to remember where I put it:)

I must check out what is available here. When I had my devastating accident the paramedics had to rely on what my daughter knew of my conditions. Had she not been here they would have known nothing. Actually had she not been here nor would I be now which is a sobering thought.

Hi Mads,

I'm a MedicAlert member and that means you don't need to produce ID, unless it were needed for any other purpose. The service means that any health professional who needed information in a hurry, from what drugs you take to your medical conditions and any allergies, can get it by calling a phone number and quoting the identification number engraved on the disc. They also provide this information in most languages, so if you go travelling, you can be reassured that the doctor could be given the necessary information in their own language.

One of my sisters is a paramedic and tells me that they're trained to check for a MedicAlert bracelet or necklace. She also told me that they wouldn't go looking in your purse normally, unless you were unconcious. Even if they found your list of medications, unless it is a recently dated repeat prescription form, they couldn't use it, apart from to consider if one of the drugs is causing the problem.

Basically, your list would only be useful as a reminder to you of what drugs you take. I enrolled with MedicAlert after that conversation. It is also useful as a defence against doctors who think you're a drug addict faking terrible pain in order to get drugs.

mads said:

Dear Nel,

Thats brilliant idea. I think we should have some kind of ID - bracelet or card- we carry with us. Unfortunately we would have produce our own ID. I carry a list of all my medications in my purse - just in case.

Hmmmmm- we could have a new venture on our hands ;)

Big hug

God bless

mads x

I am not a medicalert member but I do think it is a great idea and I should sign up.

I too have a terrible memory and what if you are unconscious???I think that is generally what it is made for. It can truly be a life saver. Here is to never needing it! Still better safe than sorry.

Take care,


I have thought about this. Not so much my concern for medications but that should be a concern, but my thought was if I was in an accident, etc. no one will know that your EM is going to flare because of this. As your fight flight will go haywire resulting in massive amounts of blood flow - as it should do in emergencies- but for us, not good, not good. So my thought was shouldn’t we have EM on this bracelet so that they can check your limbs to make sure they aren’t flaring also it could lead them to thinking something else is going on as they won’t know anything about EM. I think it is a really good idea to have this information on you. So I agree a bracelet is in need for everyone who has EM.