My own advice and tips website is finally done!

Hi everyone,

Some of you may remember a while ago me mentioning I was making a tips, support and advice website to give a few pointers etc from my own experience… Well it’s finally up and running! I hope it helps at least one person in some way.

I hope the owners of this site don’t mind as I mentioned you guys on my useful links page! Hope that’s ok.

Please let me kmow what you think even if its stuff you think I could improve on. Enjoy :slight_smile: x


Thank you for everything you do. I like the way the site is organized. However, when I look at it on my phone, some of the text overlaps and is hard to read.

what a pretty website. congrats!

I posted it on the Ben's Friends blog:

Hey Lauren,

Well done pretty girl! . Love, love , love. Site is fantastic . U r an inspiration to all us EM 'ers.

God bless

mads x

Just catching up with things now! Forgot my password for a while! Too many passwords to remember these days.

Thank you Floraine, does it? Hmm I’m not sure how to fix that! Thanks for letting me know il look into that now for you :slight_smile:

Thank you so much Scott, thank you for sharing too! Really appreciate that :slight_smile:

Thank you so much mads!! Your too kind lovely x x