Sponsored Spin for Sports Relief

Hi all, I have been lucky enough to carry on cycling to keep fit through the EM although am finding most other exercise impossible now, even boxercise because it involves too much standing still. I do get a flare within 5-10 minutes of the class but have learned to (with the help of Gabapentin) work through the pain. I do most of the class with numb lower legs and feet and as long as I have a ice cold shower afterwards the flare is luckily short lived.

I have managed to gain the status of the best in the class (I have a severe case of stubbonness which means I shout, scream and swear at the EM in my head and am determined not to let it take one of my loves away from me just yet).

I was asked to join in sponsored back to back spin classes to raise money for Sports Relief 2012. I was terrified at first but have agreed to do as many hour long classes back to back for charity. I usually only do a 45 minute class but will try to do between 3 and 4 hours on Saturday 17th March. I know this will be a massive feat for me and wanted to share with my support network what I was planning on doing.

Thanks for taking the time to read this


Way To Go Laura. Full Steam Ahead. You will be in my thoughts,good luck to you on Saint Patricks Day.

Thanks Gary, I think support is going to be the only thing to get me through it lol

That would be too scary for me brave one. Besides, I get plenty of exercise running my mouth and jumping to conclusions ;)

Haha, it's a really scary thing for me too, especially as I've had almost constant flares for a few days. Lets hope it eases.

Barry C said:

That would be too scary for me brave one. Besides, I get plenty of exercise running my mouth and jumping to conclusions ;)

Opps, I got the date wrong, its Sat the 24th March so a week extra for training and fundraising :)

Whoop whoop, I managed to do 4 hours spinning although I nearly had to be carried off the bike in the end... I have never felt so wobbly in my life. I feel great that I have achieved so much for charity, I raised £117 :)